It is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live

Dalai Lama


At Norfolk Escapes sustainability is a central tenet to our operational philosophy, to the services we provide, our properties, and our people. We are committed to instilling a culture of environmentally conscious practice and innovation and we try to adopt the best green technology where possible.

Heating System

Our heating system is an Eta Hack 200kW wood chip boiler provides a sustainable fuel source and a low carbon heating and hot water system.


We generate green electricity for our properties from a roof mounted solar PV system located on the neighbouring agricultural buildings. Where possible we use low energy lighting throughout the properties and we encourage our guests to turn lights and electrical appliances off when not in use.


Our waste management includes recycling of paper, plastic, metal and glass

Conservation and Biodiversity

As multi-generational farmers and landowners we are committed to conservation and we are proud to be participants in the Countryside Stewardship scheme. As part of this scheme we allocate a significant area of the farm to flower mixes, wild bird seed mixes and buffer strips. Hedge planting also helps increase biodiversity and offers habitats for wildlife.